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The Sufferance: A Letter from the Past:

To My Esteemed Friend and Scholar, Dagmar Terrenathi,

I write to you from the twilight years of my life, burdened by memories that refuse to fade. As I sit here in my humble abode, far from the high walls of The Sufferance, I feel compelled to share a piece of history that has weighed heavily on my heart. You, a scholar of great repute in Dagdagiel, may find value in this account. Perhaps, in your wisdom, you can decipher the deeper truths behind my humble experiences.

A Visit to The Sufferance

The Sufferance—Durnoch Da Sa'Vael in Ancient Elven—is no ordinary prison. This I learned firsthand during my service as a cleric at the Temple of Tarsallis. Our duties rarely intersected with those of the Red Guard, and the bureaucratic intricacies of The Sufferance were as foreign to me as its labyrinthine layout. Yet, fate saw fit to place me on a path that led to its formidable gates.

The Unsolved Mystery

One of my most indelible memories involves delivering a sealed letter to a prisoner. The mission was shrouded in secrecy from the start. I was summoned without explanation and handed a missive bearing an unknown sigil. The letter was sealed with wax, its contents hidden from my eyes, and the sender's identity was never revealed to me. The whole scenario felt out of place, far removed from my usual clerical duties.

The Journey

The road to The Sufferance winds through treacherous terrain, past waterfalls and over bridges rarely traversed by any but the Red Guard or those on official business. As we ascended, the roar of the waterfalls grew distant, replaced by an eerie silence that seemed to cloak the prison. The imposing structure soon loomed before us, its walls standing 120 feet tall, casting long shadows over the surrounding landscape.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by the Red Guards, their faces set in grim determination. We exchanged few words; the presence of The Sufferance demanded a solemn reverence. I presented the sealed letter to the officer in charge, a missive from a high-ranking elven official. Its recipient was Khorzia, the Mindflayer—an inmate whose very name sent shivers down my spine.

Navigating the Labyrinth

The Sufferance Prison Complex

The journey within the prison was as daunting as the one to reach it. The canals, filled with dark, murky waters, crisscrossed the labyrinthine structure. The only means of navigating these waters were the heavily guarded barges or the decorated elven gondolas, always under vigilant watch.

The islets, each home to a single prisoner, were desolate patches of earth. Khorzia's islet was no different. As we approached, the oppressive silence was broken only by the occasional splash of water, hinting at the unseen perils lurking beneath the surface. These waters, I was told, were teeming with creatures twisted by the ancient mythal that permeated the prison—a testament to the powerful magic that kept even the most formidable beings in check.

The Encounter

Khorzia was a sight to behold, his tentacled visage a reminder of the dark powers he once wielded. The Mindflayer's eyes, though clouded with the passage of time, still held a keen intellect. As I handed over the letter, sealed with the sigil of the Elven crown, he studied me with an unsettling calm.

"I see the Crown still remembers its prisoners," he said, his voice a whisper that seemed to echo within my mind rather than my ears. I offered no reply, merely a respectful nod. Our orders were clear: no interaction beyond the necessary. Yet, in that brief moment, I felt the weight of countless secrets and ancient knowledge that this creature bore.


Now, years removed from that experience, I find myself pondering the significance of that letter. What message was so important that it warranted such caution and secrecy? Who was the enigmatic sender, and why choose me, an elven cleric, for this task? The answers elude me, but I suspect they are tied to the deeper currents that flow through the history of Sidarhael.

The Sufferance remains a place of dread and mystery, a testament to the Elven crown's unyielding resolve to protect the realm at any cost. As an elven cleric, I can attest to the lengths taken to ensure its security, but the true depths of its secrets are known to few.

My dear friend, I hope this account provides some insight into the enigmatic nature of The Sufferance. Perhaps in your scholarly pursuits, you can uncover the truths that I, a humble cleric, could only glimpse.

Yours in friendship and shared curiosity,

Aeloria Tsorny Temple of Tarsallis, Hemthtireth.

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