Original Campaign Setting for 5e by RKDM.
In the unique and interconnected world of Sidarhael, various Dungeons & Dragons groups all play within the same shared universe. Each group's actions, decisions, and adventures leave tangible marks and legacies that subsequent parties may encounter and explore.
This interconnectedness fosters a sense of continuity and communal storytelling, where one group's triumphs or failures may become the stuff of legend or the starting point for another's quest. Some groups may even find ways to cooperate or communicate with one another, using messengers, magical means, or other creative methods.
This collaborative approach enhances the depth and richness of the world, allowing players to feel part of a larger, ongoing narrative where their choices truly matter.
Sidarhael is a flat-demi-plane surrounded by the astral sea, a realm teetering on the brink of war, where darkness and intrigue intertwine. The scars of ancient battles and the looming threat of conflict shape the land, casting shadows over its diverse inhabitants.Three major empires dominate the landscape: the human Muldraen Protectorate, ruled by a young queen; the elven empire of Tu'Lerahteon; and the fierce orc empire of Ungor Ma'ak. Alongside these powers, the nefarious Barachiel Envoy, a group of red-robed wizards, wield diplomatic immunity and dark influence.
Sidarhael is an original campaign setting by RKDM designed for a traditional high fantasy experience. This mythic campaign is centred on roleplaying and narrative and features an open sandbox world where players can forge their own destiny alongside an epic world story or choose to become part of it.
“...Sidarhael Tu’Laretheon is, in Elven speech, The Throne of Leratheon, named after Correlon Laretheon, First God of the Elves and leader of the Seldarine, our pantheon, our gods. This, Sidarhael Tu’Leratheon refers to the elven realms specifically in the ancient texts... The entire world itself, even in the time of the giants was also known to us as ‘Sidarhael’ which simply translates as ‘The Throne’ in our tongue… ”
~Imril Maith Ellassadril,
DC 30,718 (Draconic Calendar)

Sidarhael is a world of contrasts, where beauty and danger, honor and treachery, magic and might coexist. It's a place where adventurers can find glory or doom, uncover secrets or become ensnared in them, and where every choice can tip the balance of power.
Whether exploring the ancient ruins, navigating the political intrigues, or battling fearsome creatures, those who dare to venture into Sidarhael will find a world rich in stories, challenges, and opportunities for heroism or infamy.
Cities like Dagdagiel and secret societies like the Tsoryn Farms Enclave and the Servants of the Fox add layers of complexity to the political landscape. The Daughters of Twilight, a matriarchal elven faction, maintain temples in most cities, while the Blackguards and Redfangs of Shargaas serve their own dark purposes.
The world is further marked by the remnants of the now-extinct Ostorian empire of the giants, whose ruins and lore are scattered across the land. The celestial bodies themselves bear witness to the world's tumultuous history, with seven moons and two suns, a result of the hellborn comet Pakad, meaning "Fear" in the orcan tongue, cast by the one-eyed orc god.​

Game Expectations
This is a dark high fantasy campaign setting with mature themes.
Examples of Russell’s DMing style, can be found On Youtube.