Sunfall Company
Sunfall is a face-to-face campaign recruiting players presently. We play in Auckland City, New Zealand every Wednesday night at 6pm.
Named after the their mercenary company registered with the Magistrates office in Vaingate City, Sunfall work for a number of important clients including the Daughters of Twilight--a matriarchal order of elven clerics, paladins and druids whose objective is the restoration of the luina goddess, Sehanine Moonbow to the world.

Presently Sunfall have a variety of missions, tasks and obstacles to deal with including, but not limited to The Red Fangs of Shargas, The Wizards of the Barachiel Envoy, and The Black Guard of Tu'Leratheon.
If you live in or near Auckland, this is an awesome roleplaying group consisting of actors and other talented individuals who would be happy to meet you and see if we are a fit for each other.

Vaingate - Triumverate Citadel
Vaingate stands as the majestic capital of the Muldraen Protectorate, a prominent human empire, and the largest city in the world of Sidarhael. Its rich history dates back to the age of dragons when a colossal cloud giant citadel fell from the sky, becoming the foundation upon which Vaingate was later rebuilt. Millennia later, the elves contributed to its reconstruction before the humans of Muldraea repurposed and expanded the city.
Expectations: Commence your journey alongside the core players at an equal level. To enrich roleplaying, immersion, and authenticity, race and class options adhere to the campaign setting's limitations. Collaborate with the Dungeon Master to sculpt your character and backstory—ultimately crafting a persona that both excites you and seamlessly integrates into the campaign's tapestry. The realm of Sidarhael is a realm of high magic and epic fantasy, brimming with mature themes. Your adventure will weave into the broader narrative of The Vaingate Chronicles, a weekly Twitch stream, and intertwine with other campaigns within this expansive world, like The Frostmoor Crows and The Burning Path.