The Vaingate Chronicles

Dedicated Actors and Performers Play DnD5e Live on Twitch
The Vaingate Chronicles is a long-running D&D5e campaign set in the original campaign setting of Sidarhael by RKDM featuring a diverse cast of dedicated performers, including actors and voice actors.
The Dungeon Master
After 25 years in the film industry, writer, director and actor Russell Kirkby is a professional Dungeon Master who has turned his hand to streaming. Known as RKDM, Russell is passionate about roleplaying, narrative and innovation.
Russell is available for campaigns and one-shots and can work with official material as well as offer games in the living breathing world of Sidarhael. Home of the Vaingate Chronicles.
The Players
Michael Bache

Adrik Fogdar
Michael is a writer, voice actor and all round fun guy! He and Caitlin met on a previous pod-cast called Dungeons and Dipshits and now they are being all serious for Russell's dark, scary DnD game.
10th Level Dwarven Rune Knight Fighter
Johanna Grotenhuise

Gudael "Dala" Talandaran
Raised in Canada and married to an airline pilot, Johanna is a mom with two daughters who brings her considerable experience and humanity to her role as Dala.
10th Level High Elven Life Cleric

Barry Te Hira
Born with cerebral palsy, Barry was told that he would never walk. He has a blackbelt in Kung Fu and has been roleplaying with RKDM for 30 plus years now.
10th Level High Elven Vengeance Paladin
Galandahl "Ren" Talandaran
Caitlin Flower

Caitlin is also is a writer, voice actor and all round legend! Caitlin met Michael on a previous pod-cast called Dungeons and Dipshits and was introduced to Vaingate by Michael. Now she too must suffer Russell's dark, scary DnD game.
10th Level Eladrin Star Druid